Syncables Desktop SE for PC

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Publisher description

The perfect sync solution, Syncables Desktop enables you to easily sync, migrate, access and publish content between Windows, Mac, Linux PCs and portable storage devices. More than just documents, it syncs your music, photos, videos, email, and even browser bookmark "favorites". Syncables Desktop automatically recognizes other Syncables PCs on a network, making it very easy to collaborate on documents or share media between PCs. You can even turn your network into a virtual media hub with shared media accessible for playback on any Syncables networked PC. Plus, popular websites like Facebook, YouTube and SmugMug are also integrated right into the application, so, once you are signed in, you have automatic access to your online account with these sites. Just drag selected media to the website icon for auto-upload, or click on the website icon and playback all your posted media right from within Syncables Desktop. With Syncables Desktop, you can: * Keep a mobile PC in sync with another PC * Migrate data to a new PC * Collaborate or Share documents and media over a network * Publish media to websites

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